don't fight it corbiscide it

Its the thoughts about nothing that make it really something

Thursday, November 24, 2005

blog blog blog

Well isn't this interesting. I'm 2 days in on this tour of my own future as a minute voice in the internet and I think I'm bored of all of it.

Well maybe not completly bored, but just wondering if my musings and thought posted for all to see will never get seen. I suppose all blogers wonder that. Do they?

It's kinda weird that here I am putting all of this here for the world to read and noone will. If that wasn't a big kick in the ego I'll go hee!. Poor poor me what a pity whose being a great big wuss*.

* Wuss - a baby, a sissy

So after degrading myself in print what am I going to do about it. Well I could show youse (we explained youse yesterday) my ability with words and write a quick poem for you all to be amazed and awed about. Well I'd be happy with intrested, slightly.

In the middle of the night
when all is dark and still
I once heard a swan scream
"I've gone and lost my bill"

Ok that sucked.

I still haven't found my voice here.

Corbiscide out.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said...

Coninuing my expose of your blog I wondered such as well. All I needed was some carefully laid self plugging on Dave's Longbox and here I am! Two commenters! WOW!


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