don't fight it corbiscide it

Its the thoughts about nothing that make it really something

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Post Number2

Hey this is the second post for today.
Here's a picture for fun.

Its supposed to be an animated gif but blogger doesn't take gifs does it.

Edited 1/6/2006
Thanks Prof X. For the hint as to how to get animated gifs working.
This is what it's supposed to look like.

Pretty cool huh!


At 10:46 PM, Blogger J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said...

Hm... a constellation. A gif of a consteallation?

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Professor Xavier said...

I did an animated GIF a few weeks ago. I uploaded it to Flicker (free) and then linked to it. Worked just fine.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Professor Xavier said...

Looks great!


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