don't fight it corbiscide it

Its the thoughts about nothing that make it really something

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Post Number 3

This is a pic from that scary comic Empire. It really spooked me because I thought the bad guys were going to be the Aliens or one of the others on Euchrist. But the daughter well I really didn't see it comming. It shook me up I don't know if I like it or not. As a piece of literature its rather subversive and makes you think. If any comic book should be turned into a movie this should be it. Bryan Singer to direct.


At 10:49 PM, Blogger J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter said...

Well, it's probably not very well known so I doubt it'd be a big box office hit. Then again, some people try to watch almost every movie in creation. They're too... obssessive.


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