The gift from the blogger.
Racing across the plain Blue with 3blogs inside are trying to find the Stranger and Brain.
"What I'm trying to say Blue is that going this fast isn't necescarily going to make the search go faster." argues 3blogs with the speeding vehicle.
'Beep Beep Beep' replies Blue
"Look if you just slow down then maybe we could look around and try to find where they could have gone." asks 3blogs.
'Beep beep Vrroom' adds blue
"I just don't understand you." shouts 3blogs. "Can you we try and work out somekind of pattern to your beeps and revving."
Screee. Blue does a full 180 degree full lock brake. The door opens.
'Beep Beeeeeep' shouts blue.
"Ok if thats how you feel." snaps 3blogs. "I'm out of here your dangerous to my sanity."
'Beeep Beeep' continues Blue.
"What are trying to do, say sorry?" asks 3blogs. "Cause I'm not getting back inside you again. You can be sure of that."
'Boooom' Thunder and lightning start above plain. In fact directly above 3blogs path a statuesque figure falls out of the sky.
'Beep Beep, Vrrom Vrooom' shouts out Blue.
Which when translated means - You idiot I stopped because that thing is going to fall right where your walking.
"I don't care anymore Blue. I'm going to find them all on my own." shouts back 3blogs unknowingly walking into a great danger.
Once again Blue realises its up to him to save the day.
'Vrrooom. Beep beep beep' and he's off as fast as he can after 3blogs.
'Ughh! that car is annoying how does the Stranger put up with him, it. Here I am humanising a car. Hang on he's not stopping. And why is it getting dark all of the sudden.' thinks 3blogs as he looks up at the figure falling right on him.
As the figure falls, Blue races towards 3Blogs. The falling object falls, Blue races. 3blogs cowers expecting the worst.
'Beep beep' trumpets Blue getting to 3blogs first. The passengers door flys open. Without thinking 3blogs leaps into the passing Blue. Safe.
'BOOOOOOM' the object hits the plain. Lightning and thunder strike it.
'Yarrrrrrrrgh!' exclaims the statuesque figure. Its arms raised to the sky. The lightning and thunder continue the rain down on the figure.
Then its quiet. The clouds dissaper. The sun starts to rise.
At the shack Epic, the Stranger, Brain and the boys stand watching the happenings.
"Cooool!" exclaim Tad, Dat and Mat.
"Your car is the greatest Stranger." says Tad.
"Yeah." agrees Dat and Mat.
"What is it?" asks the Stranger.
"Is thinks its a gift. Ands I thinks Barts gunna want it too." replies Epic.
End of Chapter 10