The end of Black Bart. True!
Epic Tad Dat Mat and Musical watch as Blue speeds off to catch Bart and save the Stranger.
"Ohhhh! We wanted to go with Blue Mister Epic" complains Dat.
"Isa better thing to staya here. We can't help end this problem. I'm an old man youse are kids and Musical couldn't hurt a fly couldja" explains Epic.
"Well you are right there Epic, but I'm sure we could do something." Musical looks at the white figure glowing in front of them. "Epic this thing said it was the solution, didn't you say that thing." says Musical with point at the white figure.
"Fool, yous shouldn't fool wit stuff the blogger sends. We could be makin more trouble fer us." accuses Epic.
"You startched old crone." snaps Musical. "If wanting to save the blog is foolish thenI'm a fool." Musical turns to the figure. "Thing" he announces with the most authority he can."Do you have a name? Its just so wrong not refering to something without a name.."
The figure turns its head to Musical.
"I am called Biz-Mar." replies Biz-Mar.
Musical smirks with pride at the response and struts closer to Biz-Mar.
"Well then Biz-Mar." begins Musical. "You told 3blogs you were sent to be the solution to our current dilema, are you?"
"Yes I am." responds Biz-Mar.
"Can you save the blog, the Stranger, and get rid of Balck Bart." asks Mat
"Shh young un' you don'ts know what you're messin' wit" scolds Epic.
"No. Mat is right. Biz-Mar can you do all of this?" asks Musical again.
"Afermitave. I can do all of this." replies Biz-Mar.
"Then please being our great white hope Biz-mar. With all due haste save us." commands Musical.
Biz-Mars eye's light up his body crackles with energy. And then Biz-Mar, Epic and Musical are gone.
"Ok what happened." exclaims Dat.
"I don't know but that was soooo cool!" says Mat.
"Yeah!" affirms Dat. "That was totaly Airwolf!"
"So where did they go?" asks Dat.
"I don't know but I reckon they're going to end up in town. Lets go." Mat turns and runs to town. The others follow.
Inside Blue the blogs talk turkey.
"Ok we'll head off Bart in town. Than what?" asks AndAgain.
"Well we just tell him to hand the stranger over." says Who put.
"Oh right." snaps Box sacrastically. "That'll work. Hey I think we need something more solid. Than politeness. You know like guns and violence."
"For once I don't agree with you Who put. But we don't have any guns." replies And again. "3blogs do you have anything?"
"Sorry I've got nothing And again. But I think we'll have to do something cause. Here comes Bart." answers 3blogs. As Bart on his horse with the Stranger races down the street and Blue race towards Bart.
"Brake Blue." advises 3blogs. "Blue BREAK!" screams 3blogs. But Blue continues onward.
On Barts Horse Bart doesn't stop.
"Playing chicken with my car eh Bart." says the Stranger.
"I always win Stranger. I always win." cockily replies Bart.
"Ahhhhhhh!" screams the blogs inside Blue.
"Beeep Beeep vrooomm!" exclaims Blue. Who begins a hand break trun. Spinning around wildly.
"What the-" exclaims Bart. He pulls his horse off to the side of the road. Stopping suddenly the horse bucks throwing Bart and the Stranger off.
Blues spinning stops and he gains control. Comming to a stop and the opening his doors for the blogs to leave. They leap out as fast as they can.
"I am never going with you again Blue." says 3blogs.
The four quickly come to the aid of the Stranger.
"Hey Box, And again Who Put you were in Blue? Wow"! exclaims the Stranger. Getting up on one arm.
"Well it looks like he's ok." says And again.
"Barts out though. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." says Box.
"So does this mean we've won?" asks the Stranger.
-click- they turn to see Bart on the ground with his gun pointed at them.
"I wuz just playin' possum Box." smirks Bart. He get up and strides towards the Stranger and the Blogs. He stops short and aims at the Stranger.
"Now to end this once and fer all." chuckles Bart.
-bang-bang- Bart truns and fires in response. -bang bang- the bullets hit with a thud into Blues side door.
'Beep beep' taunts Blue. Who backfired to distract Bart.
"Thats it I'm gonna kill you now Stranger.." starts Bart. But the Stranger and the Blogs have run into the Saloon.
"Oh your just makin' me more angry." growls the Stranger and he enters into the Saloon.
"What is this." scowls Bart surprised.
In front of him are all the blogs and the Stranger in fornt. There also was that white statue they were all looking at. Bart points his gun at them. They didn't cower or scream, in fact some laughed at him. The Stranger steps forward and gives Bart a piece of paper.
"Read the fine print Bart. Its over." tells the Stranger.
"Wha, how did ya. Its not possible. Its not possible." repeats Bart.
"You'd think so wouldn't ya Bart. But we're all here against you, with the Stranger and we want you out. Now." orders Box.
"No!" coolly Bart draws his gun and fires. Instantly in fromt of Bart Biz-Mar is there, between his thumb and index finger is the still smoking bullet. Bart turns and runs from Biz-Mar. He gets through the saloon doors and trips and falls.
"Gotcha Bart." shouts Tad.
"Yeah! we got 'im." choruses Mat and Dat. On either side of the saloon door are Mat and Tad holding a rope, which tripped up the rushing Bart.
Biz-Mar the Stranger and the blogs all come out of the Saloon and surround Bart. Biz-Mar strips Bart of his gun and his Sheriffs badge. Picks up Bart puts him on his horse. Slaps the horse on the rumps and it and Bart race off out of town.
"Yay!" everyone shouts.
"I have been told these are yours Sheriff." Biz-Mar hands the badge and the gun to the Stranger.
"From me. Umm the blogger.?" asks the Stranger.
"Yes. You are the Sheriff" replies Biz-Mar. "I am leaving now. I will return when I am needed."
And with that Biz-Mar lauches into the air and disapears into the sky.
"Well Sheriff. What do we do now?" asks Box.
"I'd say we party Box. What do you all think of that." answers the Sheriif.
Yay! - shouts the Blogs.
ENd of the story.